Friday 23 January 2015

Editing the outline.

A. Introduction

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all of you. My name is Nadirah and today as decided, I am going to do a light massage as my demonstrative speech. As to why I chose this, it is something which I am really good at.  Not to boast but back at home, my parents, after a long tiring day at workplace, will always ask for my assistance. I usually do the massage for about 30 minutes at minimum?  
B.  Tie to audience  
However, the massage which I am going to show you is not that long. It is a simpler one and you do not need to know those crucial points such as where to press, you just do it to your own liking.  A fancy name for it is the Swedish Massage.  It promotes relaxation. It relieves the knots and the tense muscles in your body, which the main cause of it is most probably college stuffs.  This massage is done by applying long gliding strokes or circular motion, which is very easy, I assure you.

C. Credibility material 
Why would you trust me? Let’s just say that I have been doing this since forever, and if, you still cannot believe me, you can ask about the effectiveness from my model later on, when I have finished my demonstrative speech. Upon this, I would like to call her out, please.

  D. Thesis and preview 
Today, I will show you how to do a light massage as the name suggest it!

Transition : Okay, let us start!

II. Body

A. Main point 1: Rules.
1.       There are certain rules that you must follow before you start giving a massage.
2.       Firstly, you must have you, the person giving the massage and another person who will be receiving it, my model here.
3.       Secondly, you choose between these two methods. You use either your fingertips or your palm. In my case, the fingertips because I have small hands. I will be using the circular motion which I will show you later. It is easier for me, the energy is focused on the tips of my fingers thus enhancing the pressure applied. But, if you decided to use your palm, it is okay either way. The difference is that you focus your energy on your palm and spread it.
4.       Last but not least, you do not push too hard. Just accordingly to the preferences of the person you are giving the massage.
Transition : Now , we should proceed to the process. The first one is to.....

B. Main point 2 :  Massage the shoulder blades.

1.       You start by massaging from the base of the neck which is here to the end of the shoulders which is here. What I meant by using circular motion is, you do it using both thumbs while the other fingers act as anchors to hold onto the shoulder firmly.
2.       So, you start. After that, you do it the same way but reversely. Starting from the end of the shoulders to the base of the neck.

Transition : Next, we move on to....

C. Main point 3 : Massage the neck.

1.       For the neck, you start from the base and go upwards, still in circular motion. You do it slowly because the neck is more sensitive than the shoulder. You would not want to hurt somebody accidentally right? You do it exactly like the way I show you.
2.       After you reach somewhere just below the skull which is right here, you linger there for a bit and put a little bit more pressure than before.
3.       After you deemed it is enough, you start massaging downwards to the base of the neck again, still in circular motion.

Transition : We have come to the last part which is.....

D. Main point 4 : Massaging the shoulder blades again. Simply follow the same steps and we have an addition at the end.

1.       You start by massaging from the base of the neck which is here to the end of the shoulders which is here. Let me remind you, do it using both thumbs while the other fingers act as anchors to hold onto the shoulder firmly.
2.       So, you start. After that, you do it the same way but reversely. Starting from the end of the shoulders to the base of the neck.
3.       Not long before it ends, you massage the shoulder again from the base of the neck to the end of the shoulders. However, you do not stop there. You continue massaging till the end of your model’s hand just like this. For the hands, you do not need to do it in circular motions, putting pressures along the hands would be sufficient.

III. Conclusion.

A. Breaklight
And that is how it ends.

B. Summaries
What I just demonstrated was how to do a simple light massage involving only the shoulders, neck and the hands.

C. Tie back the audience
Now you know how to do it. After this, you can try and experiment back at college with your friends. I guarantee that you will be surprised of how expert you are in giving a massage.

D. Concluding memorable remarks.

Before I end this, I would like to say thank you especially to my model for her help. Without her, I cannot demonstrate. If you still find the result of you giving massage to others unsatisfying, you can seek me for assistance or you can simply ask me to give you some of my magic! Thank you for listening.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Outline of my demonstrative speech.

General purpose : To demonstrate
Specific purpose : To show my audience how to do a light massage.
Central idea : Massage helps to circulate the blood and relieve stress.


Yes, it’s a light massage.
There is ONE thing which I am good at, and it is giving massage. I often do this for my parents. It is not hard and follows simple steps only. The massage that I am going to show you is not of those which you have to know crucial points to be pressed for your head and shoulders, you do it to your own liking. If you do this, I guarantee that you will be satisfied and be relieved from your stress.

Transition : Okay, let us start!

1.       Prepare yourself.
·         Use either your fingertips or palm.
·         Do not push too hard, just accordingly.
·         Use circular motions.

2.       Massage the shoulder blades.
·         Start from the neck to the end of shoulder.
·         Do it in even strokes.
·         Repeat the movement reversely.

3.       Massage the neck.
·         Start with the base of the neck.
·         Do it upwards.
·         Stop for a bit just at the base of the skull.
·         Put pressure accordingly.

4.       Massage the shoulder blades again.
·         From base of neck till shoulder’s end.
·         End with putting pressure along the hand till the end of fingertips.

There are four simple steps that you have to know.
1.       Preparing yourself.
2.       Massaging the shoulder blades.
3.       Massaging the neck.
4.       Massaging the shoulder blades again.

You end with putting pressure along the hand till the end of fingertips. I hope this demonstration of massage can help you in coping with your college life. You can teach your friends how to do this and help each other out.